Energy-Saving Home Upgrades

Energy-saving offers are available through a Home Energy Assessment.

Start Saving Money Through a Home Energy Assessment

The first step to find out where your home might be wasting energy is through a Home Energy Assessment. A Home Energy Assessment looks for ways to reduce your energy usage and costs. Through this Assessment, you may be eligible to receive energy-saving upgrades at little to no cost, such as improved insulation, heating equipment and ventilation.

A FREE Home Energy Assessment is available to eligible income-qualified households.
I Qualify
I Do Not Qualify

You may be eligible to receive a FREE Home Energy Assessment! Complete the online application or print a paper copy and submit via email.

Frequently Asked Questions

Increased Health and Safety

  • Uncover hidden problems that could be wasting energy and making your home unsafe, like poorly insulated walls and improper ventilation.

Project Discounts and Savings

  • Identify opportunities to receive energy-saving upgrades at little to no cost, such as improved insulation, heating equipment and ventilation.

FREE Installation of Energy-Saving Products

  • During the Home Energy Assessment, receive FREE installation of energy-efficient products in your home, including LED lighting, faucet aerators and an advanced power strip.

The FREE Home Energy Assessment is available to income-qualified households across Illinois.

You are eligible if you meet the following qualifications:

  • Live in a single-family home (A single-family home is a free-standing residential building designed to be used as a single-dwelling house or duplex)
  • Must be an Ameren Illinois residential customer heating your home with gas or electricity delivered by Ameren Illinois.
    Must be an Ameren Illinois residential electric customer heating your home with propane.
  • Maximum gross annual household income is at or below the amount listed on the Income Qualification Chart.

Tips for reading the Income Qualification Chart:

  1. First locate the county where you currently live.
  2. Then using the left-hand column, choose the number of people who live in your household.
  3. To be eligible for the FREE Home Energy Assessment, your maximum gross annual income must be at or below the dollar amount for your county and household size.

Note: If you don’t see your county listed, see the “All Other Counties” column.

There are more savings opportunities available for customers who don’t qualify for a FREE Home Energy Assessment!

If you own or manage a multifamily property, request a FREE Energy Assessment for your property to discover where your unit is losing energy and start saving today.

If you are a renter living in a single-family home or duplex and meet the additional eligibility requirements listed above, you can apply for a FREE Home Energy Assessment. A single-family home is a free-standing residential building. Single-family homes are designed to be used as a single-dwelling house or duplex. 

If you are a renter living in an apartment or townhome, you can nominate your property for a FREE Energy Assessment. There are various energy-saving options you can do to make your living space more comfortable, all while saving each month on energy expenses.

Home Efficiency Income Qualified projects must be completed by a Program Ally. Program Allies are contractors who are enrolled and trained with our Program. You can find a list of Program Allies at

Upon submitting your application, you will receive an email with the following request:

  • Need proof of income from one of the below:
    • Page 1 and 2 of your Federal 1040 income tax return that shows Gross Income.
    • Page 1, 2, and 3 of your Federal 1040-SR income tax return.
    • If you do not file a tax return, alternative forms of income we accept are Social Security Statements, Pension Statements, Unemployment or Disability Statements. Please contact us at 1.866.838.6918 with any questions.
  • Need proof of homeownership. Acceptable documents include: Your most recent real estate tax bill, your Warranty Deed or your approved Homestead Exemption Form.
  • If you rent your home, please complete the HEIQ Property Owner Consent Form. Please be sure to include both you and your landlord’s signature on the document.

The FREE Home Energy Assessment Journey


Learn About the Program
and Apply


Begin your energy efficiency journey today! 



Application Approval



Once all required documents are received and processed, your application will be reviewed for approval. 


Energy Assessment


If your application is approved, an Energy Advisor will come to your home to look for ways to reduce your energy usage and costs. 


Program Ally Contractor Visit

Program Allies are contractors who are registered with the Ameren Illinois Energy Efficiency Program. They will do an introductory visit to your home before they begin work on your energy efficiency project.


Program Ally Contractor Completes Your Energy Efficiency Project


The Program Ally will complete the necessary work to make your home more energy-efficient. 


Follow-up Quality Control Visit



A Quality Control Specialist will come to your home to ensure all work is correctly completed. 

Peoria Hairstylist Discovers the Beauty of Home Efficiency

After 36 years as a beautician, Patricia Rayford knows how to bring out the best in a head of hair. But she needed help from the Ameren Illinois Energy Efficiency Program to bring out the best in her home.